Wahkiakum County Marine Resources Committee Meeting

Commissioner's meeting room Courthouse, Cathlamet

Wahkiakum County Marine Resources Committee addresses local marine issues, recommends remedial actions to local, state, tribal, and federal authorities, and builds local awareness of the issues related to marine resources. Priorities include developing a citizen science monitoring program to study seals and sea lions in the Lower Columbia River Estuary, supporting local high school field... Read more »

Grays Harbor County Marine Resources Committee Meeting

Port of Grays Harbor Aberdeen, Washington

The Grays Harbor County Marine Resources Committee's mission is to address local marine issues, recommend remedial actions to local, state, and federal authorities, build local awareness of the issues and support for remedies consistent with the Benchmarks of Performance as adopted by the Coastal MRC Work Group. For more information visit the MRC program website,... Read more »

Pacific County Marine Resources Committee Meeting

South Pacific County Administrative Building 7013 Sandridge Road, Long Beach, Washington

The Pacific County Marine Resources Committee serves as a steward for the marine and estuarine resources in Pacific County by facilitating science-based policies, research, and education that enhances the sustainability of the economy and ecology of the community. The stakeholder committee includes representatives from commercial fishing, conservation, science, aquaculture, recreation, economics, ports, state, federal, local,... Read more »

North Pacific Coast Marine Resources Committee Meeting

Olympic Coast National Resources Center 1455 S. Forks Avenue, Forks, WA

North Pacific Coast Marine Resource Committee is an advisory committee for marine issues on Washington State's outer coast communities of Clallam and Jefferson Counties that stretches from Cape Flattery in the north, to the mouth of the Queets River in the south. The stakeholder committee includes representatives from Jefferson and Clallam Counties, the City of... Read more »

Grays Harbor County Shoreline Master Program Update Public Outreach Program

Montesano City Hall Banquet Room 112 N. Main Street, Montesano

The Grays Harbor County Shoreline Master Program plans for future development activities in the water and 200 feet upland from shorelines along ocean beaches, sections of rivers and streams with a mean annual flow 20 cubic per second or greater, lakes 20 acres or greater, and wetlands associated with these waterbodies. The county’s Shoreline Planning... Read more »

MSP and Friends of Willapa National Wildlife Refuge

9610 Sandridge Road Long Beac, WA

The Friends of Willapa National Wildlife Refuge welcome Kevin Decker from Washington Sea Grant to a public meeting on Marine Spatial Planning. During the meeting, participants will learn about Washington's process for marine planning, discuss issues that relate to the Wildlife Refuge, and create an action plan to be involved and informed throughout the process.... Read more »

Wahkiakum County Marine Resources Committee Meeting

River Street Building Meeting Room Cathlamet

Wahkiakum County Marine Resources Committee addresses local marine issues, recommends remedial actions to local, state, tribal, and federal authorities, and builds local awareness of the issues related to marine resources. Priorities include developing a citizen science monitoring program to study seals and sea lions in the Lower Columbia River Estuary, supporting local high school field... Read more »

Recreational Use Study Results Presentation

Olympic Natural Resource Center, Hemlock Forest Conference Room 1455 S. Forks Avenue, Forks, WA

The Surfrider Foundations' Washington Policy Manager, Gus Gates, will present the results of the Surfrider and Point 97 project to collect a baseline characterization of coastal and ocean recreational use patterns. The recreational use survey polled coastal and ocean recreation users to summarize the intensity of specific recreational activities along the Washington coast. The results... Read more »

Recreational Use Study Results Presentation

Ocean Shores Convention Center 120 West Chance a La Mer Northwest, Ocean Shores, WA

The Surfrider Foundations' Washington Field Coordinator, Brice Boland, will present the results of the Surfrider and Point 97 project to collect a baseline characterization of coastal and ocean recreational use patterns. The recreational use survey polled coastal and ocean recreation users to summarize the intensity of specific recreational activities along the Washington coast. The results... Read more »

Grays Harbor County Marine Resources Committee Meeting

Port of Grays Harbor Aberdeen, Washington

The Grays Harbor County Marine Resources Committee's mission is to address local marine issues, recommend remedial actions to local, state, and federal authorities, build local awareness of the issues and support for remedies consistent with the Benchmarks of Performance as adopted by the Coastal MRC Work Group. For more information visit the MRC program website,... Read more »

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