The State Ocean Caucus

A state law requires an interagency team of state natural resource agencies to develop the Marine Spatial Plan. A key element of the planning process is integrating existing state management plans and authorities into the MSP. The current planning effort is focused on developing a Marine Spatial Plan for Washington’s Pacific Coast – from Cape Flattery to Cape Disappointment.
Washington is using an existing interagency team, the State Ocean Caucus, to conduct MSP. The team is chaired by the Governor’s office and coordinated by the Department of Ecology. Ecology is the designated lead for coordinating the development of the MSP. Other State Ocean Caucus agencies involved in developing the MSP include: Washington Department of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, Washington Sea Grant and State Parks and Recreation Commission.
The planning process will also involve and engage coastal stakeholders, the public and local, tribal, and federal governments.
State Ocean Caucus Representatives

The Washington State Department of Health protects and improves the health of people of Washington State. This includes maintaining excellent water quality, pollution control, and monitoring toxins to ensure seafood is safe to eat. DOH is a lead data provider of aquaculture and water quality monitoring information for the Marine Spatial Planning process.