Fisheries Map Workshop

WDFW Montesano Office 48 Devonshire Road , Montesano, WA

The Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife is hosting a workshop to review draft products of the revised fishing maps for the Marine Spatial Plan. This will also be offered as a webinar for anyone that would like to participate and cannot join in person. During the meeting, WDFW staff will describe fishery intensity... Read more »

Work Session: Marxan Scenarios and Spatial Recommendations

WDFW Office 48 Devonshire Rd, Montesano, WA

Join WCMAC members for a work session on Marxan scenarios and spatial recommendations on June 13 from 9am-1pm to delve into more detail on using the Marxan scenarios to craft recommendations for the Marine Spatial Plan. In preparation for the workshop, staff are revising and adding data requests from the Marxan workshop in May. Draft... Read more »

Do you have an event to add to the calendar? Contact us with the details!