![click for associated partners](/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/about_us_overview_small.png)
The following groups are important mechanisms for the State Ocean Caucus to gather advice from stakeholders on the Marine Spatial Plan and planning process. The state will also use public meetings, workshops, public comment periods, email lists and other ways of informing and engaging additional stakeholder groups and the public during the planning process.
Washington Coastal Marine Advisory Council
(WCMAC) is an advisory group established in the Governor Office in 2013. WCMAC is comprised of representatives from commercial fishing, conservation, economic development, coastal energy, recreation, aquaculture, science, ports, state government, coastal marine resources committees, and the community at large. Advising on the development of the Marine Spatial Plan is currently a major task of the Council.
Marine Resources Committees
(MRC) are county-based advisory committees with diverse representatives from local communities, including local marine industries and businesses (e.g. fishing, aquaculture, and ports), science, education, conservation, recreation and governments. These committees also fund a variety of local marine stewardship projects including science, education, research, and enhancement projects.
![Grays Harbor Marine Resources Committee logo](/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/GraysHarbor_MRCfixed99x125.jpg)
The Grays Harbor County Marine Resources Committee addresses local marine issues, recommends remedial actions to local, state, and federal authorities, and builds local awareness of the issues related to the marine resources. The MRC vision is to educate and promote involvement, guide policies that affect marine resources, ensure public safety, and promote sustainable coastal communities.
![North Pacific Coast Marine Resources Committee logo](/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/NPC_MRC-125.jpg)
The North Pacific Coast Marine Resources Committee will actively promote ecosystem resilience through understanding, conserving, and restoring marine resources through research, education, community engagement and advocacy for the marine environment and the sustainability of its coastal communities. Priorities include supporting marine debris efforts, educating on ocean topics, and implementing natural resources projects.
![Pacific County Marine Resources Committee logo](/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Pacific_MRC-125x125.jpg)
The Pacific County Marine Resources Committee serves as a steward for the marine and estuarine resources in Pacific County by facilitating science-based policies, research, and education that enhnaces the sustainability of the economy and ecology of the community.
![Wahkiakum County Marine Resources Committee logo](http://www.msp.wa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Wahkiakum_MRC-125x125.jpg)
The Wahkiakum County Marine Resources Committee addresses local marine issues, recommends remedial actions to local, state, tribal, and federal authorities, and builds local awareness of the issues related to marine resources. Priorities include developing a citizen science monitoring program to study seals and sea lions in the Lower Columbia River Estuary, supporting local high school field trips to the estuary, and conducting monthly water quality monitoring on the Columbia River.