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What is the relationship between MSP and Shoreline Master Programs?


The MSP and SMPs for Washington’s Pacific Coast share many common traits and are compatible planning processes that can be mutually beneficial. The MSP can provide information and analysis on ocean resources and uses and policy recommendations for local shoreline comprehensive updates or future local program amendments. SMPs can be a source of information for the MSP and provide a detailed implementation mechanism for the MSP in state waters.

The data and information products from the MSP’s initial stages can contribute to the ocean component of a local coastal shoreline inventory, analysis, and characterization. Once the draft marine spatial plan is completed, the resulting informational maps, recommended environment designations, and policies can be assessed and further refined by a local jurisdiction for the SMP’s environment designations, policies and regulations, and for use in the cumulative impacts analysis.

Further, local SMPs on Washington’s Pacific Coast are required to address the Ocean Management Guidelines. The Ocean Management Guidelines are state regulations that provide specific guidance on how to address ocean uses within a local SMP. Since the MSP law requires the integration and use of existing authorities, the Ocean Management Guidelines’ policies will also be incorporated into the information, analysis, and recommendations in the final MSP.

For more information, read the Department of Ecology’s summary of the Coastal Zone Management Act.

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